Monday, 10 September 2012



Hello everyone, and welcome to The Diary of A Geeky Girl!

My name is Elly, I live in the UK, and I am, of course, a generally geeky girl.
I'm 15 and I go to Secondary School where, as many teenagers nowadays do, I often feel like a bit of an outcast.

There's many reasons that teenagers can often feel this way, and usually, being unpopular, lonely or a bit of a nerd isn't personal choice. In the words of Lady Gaga, baby, you were born this way.

However, being 'geeky', as I've defined it, sometimes is personal choice.

I know what you're thinking, right?

"Who on Earth would want to be a nerd?!"

Well, my newly found blogger friends - the simple answer to that is, of course, me.

I used to be in with the 'popular kids'. You know the kind? Those kids that everyone looks up to, wants to be, stares at in the corridors, always wants to sit next to in class... Those lot.

Now, most people in my school would have loved to be popular. I felt quite lucky that I was considered to be part of their group...
Sadly though, I didn't seem to fit in.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not stereotyping popular kids! Some popular kids can be really nice, and some are even popular because of their personality, God forbid!

But I didn't want to be liked because I was in with the 'cool people'. I wanted people to like me for who I was, not what I was. I wanted to be different, stand out from the crowd...

And so to me, the answer seemed obvious.

Become a nerd!

I wanted to love who I was, be loved because of who I was and love other people for who they were.

And now, as I'm writing this blog entry, taking my first step into the big scary blogging world, I'm hoping that I can make people proud of who they are, and love themselves for being a geek.

If I can improve the life of one teenager out there like me, I will leave this blog feeling that I have done my job correctly.

Thank you for reading.

Love to all,
Elly. <3


  1. look at you elly, out of fairy land and onto the internet ;) joking great blog xxxx

    1. Haha! Thank you very much, Josh :-)
      Hope I helped you to embrace your inner geek ;D xxxx

  2. What a profound blog Elly! You have evidently spoke the truth <3 I enjoyed reading about your philosophical views. ;D

    -Kay x

    1. Haha, thank you Kay! Nice to here from you!
      I'm glad you enjoyed the things I wrote.
      If you'd like, you and others can suggest things for me to write about :-) I'd happily take on your ideas!
      Love, Elly. xox <3


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