Friday, 14 September 2012

It's never your fault.

It's Never Your Fault.

I know a lot of people who are reading this blog will have probably experienced some level of bullying before.
I don't want to seem like I'm stereotyping, and I'm certainly not agreeing, but geeks tend to be lower down in the school and are often bullied for perhaps the way they look, the way they act, their unpopularity, their either knowledge or lack of it, and anything else that a bully can pick out of the bag.

Now this isn't always true.
Particularly when you get to an older age, nerds become cool.

I'm serious!
Standing out from the crowd becomes a good thing, not a bad thing.
Being an individual is a novelty, in stead of looking the same and acting the same as every other teenager. Honestly, popularity is far too mainstream these days.
And let's not even mention intelligence.

Sure, at school immature, absent-minded youngsters can rip you for doing well in class... But who's going to be the one laughing when they're making coffee for you every day in a few years to come?

What kids tend to think when they're picked on for the reasons stated above is that it's basically all their fault.

Well, you want to know what I think about your theory?

Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong!

You're a kid. You're being who you want to be, or just simply being who you are but who you'd happily choose not to be.
It's the way He made you to be, or the way Science happened to throw your genes together.
You're doing nothing but simply what the other people are doing... Being yourself.

If anything, you're most definitely showing your true self more than they are.
A lot of bullies hide themselves away behind this big strong mask, when really deep down inside they're just as small and fragile and 'weak' as their victims.

The saying is true you know, bullies never prosper.
And I know it gets you down - I've had the experience, I understand how it feels..

But you have to try and get through it.
You have to laugh to yourself, tell yourself you're the better and stronger person, and know deep down that they will truly suffer for their actions.

Nerds unite.


All my love,
Elly. xox <3


  1. It's just so true, English is just the worse for me due to the people in the lesson! I get so Exsited about leading literature, I don't mine writing about it and exsploring the points too! But people just look at me like...what is she on? Then I'm also a drama geek!! And sing all the time and some times reanact a scene from a play (particularly Shakespeare) and again people are! There's also the case where you like something like Memes - I became a meme nerd in 2009! And they were just a geeky there plastered over Facebook! Same with ear stretchers! May be geeky now...but you wait! They will be cool...and I'f your a hipster you will hate them! Always love reading your blogs Elly :3

    1. Thanks for the feedback!

      It's totally true, everything you just said.
      People shouldn't be ripped for their eagerness or excitement towards class, and certainly not their intelligence.
      If people spend their lessons poking fun at the kids who do better than them, or actually want to do well, they're going to do a lot worse for themselves than if they actually tried as hard as people like you.

      You just have to trust me when I say that the good things that you do will eventually become noticed. When you're older and no longer a teenager, and smoking, doing drugs and sleeping around becomes ridiculous and unspoken of, you'll find that you're the type of person that people look up to and look for in life - motivated, eager to do well and on task!

      Carry on embracing your inner nerd.

      With all my love,
      Elly. xox <3


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