Thursday, 13 September 2012

A Geek? What's a geek?

Good afternoon, fellow geeks!

This is my first proper blog entry after my little introduction about my blog and myself :-)

I know a lot of you are wondering what I probably define as a 'geek'.

There's obviously different kinds of definitions for the word geek.

I would mainly separate the 'geeks' into two categories:

Geek Number One - The Quirky Geek

The quirky geek is usually the more self-accepted nerd, and willing to participate in the geek society.
Take me, for example.
I am a lover of maths. In my free time I study, at least 2 hours a night at least 5 times a week. I play a lot of instruments, including the ukulele (a well-known nerdy and quirky instrument, I might add!) I often do a lot of embarrassing and cringy things - the sort of things a parent may do. I tend to fall over quite a lot and excessively blush, I tend to fail in the logic department, and I am extremely socially awkward.
These geeks are usually the kind that choose to be that way.

Geek Number Two - The General Nerd

I don't want you all to think I'm stereotyping 'geeks', but these are just some of the things that define a general nerd.
General nerds are almost always low down in the school. It's unlikely that they will fit in with any of the popular social clicks.
They tend to get bullied. Not always, but often. They usually feel lonely.
They find it difficult to accept themselves for who they are, especially if they didn't choose their path.
General nerds can fall into this category mainly if a) they are stereotypically nerdy: you know, the math-loving geeks with the glasses and the buck-teeth and the goofy laughs? Yeah, them! And b) if they're generally unpopular. Sometimes the more unpopular kids within a school or a class may be defined as 'geeks'.

These are the kind of people I want to help out. I want to turn you people into self-loving geeks with the ability to embrace your inner nerd, be confident in who you are and allow yourself to socially awkwardise your way into happiness. :-)

The people in the first category? Well, I'm here to humour you all as you laugh at my failing ways, reminisce on the times you, too, failed at life, and allow you to help anyone in need.

I'd also like to make it clear that just because I'm using the words 'geeks' and 'nerds' to describe all you lovely people, doesn't mean I'm a big mean bully.
I actually think geeks are cool.
Geeks tend to be down-to-Earth, kind, sensible human beings with the tendency to behave like a normal kid, rather than those teenagers nowadays who grow up way too fast.

If you came under any of the headings I just explained, please, embrace your inner nerd.

You're not uncool.

You're downright freakin' awesome. Kay?!

Elly xox <3


  1. This is a great entry!
    I am so like you - I'm so clumsy and cringey.

    1. Thank you very much Lucy!
      Your comment made me feel good about this.. I'm excited about starting a blog and it's great to have feedback :-)
      Ah, I'm so socially awkward, it's all good. It gives you character.


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